nass magnet GmbH
- Founded in 1978
- Around 320 employees
- Head office of the company group
- Central office for staff, IT, project management, purchasing, finance, sales (worldwide)
- Product and process development, quality management
- Product optimisation, development of variants, rationalisation
- Plastic injection moulding, machining, assembly, simulation, testing technology
- Construction of tools, moulds, fixtures, plants and prototypes
- Pilot valves, solenoid coils, valve systems, armature systems
- Special applications
Klaus H. Kirchheim (Head), Patrick Oelkers (Technical), Michael Weper (Supply Chain, IT), Dr. Hubert Hartwig (Finance)
Sales tax identification number: DE811276327
nass magnet Hungária Kft.
- Founded in 1998
- Around 380 employees
- Coil winding and assembly
- Electronics manufacturing (industry)
- Injection moulding (coating)
- Electronics, electrical connectors, appliance outlets
- Distribution of appliance outlets (worldwide)
- Complete distribution and logistics for America, Italy, Eastern Europe and the Middle East
- Line sockets in accordance with DIN 175301-803 A/B/C/Micro
- Special applications
Klaus H. Kirchheim (President), Nils-Patrick Müller (commercial), Patrick Oelkers (technical)
Sales tax identification number: HU13315328
nass controls
- Founded in 1988
- Around 20 employees
- Sales and logistics for North America as well as countries in South America, Australia and Oceania
- Inspecting and adapting assembly groups to country-specific requirements
- Final assembly of production components
- Manufacture of market-specific variants and commercial goods
Randy Bennett (President), Klaus H. Kirchheim (Vice President)
nass magnet Shanghai Trading Co., Ltd.
- Founded in 2013
- Expansion on the Chinese market
- Service, distribution and logistics for China
Karsten Langer
All companies are part of the Kirchheim group and are privately owned.