Terms of Registration

Terms of Registration
The use of some of the services provided by Kirchheim group requires a prior free-of-charge registration of the user by nass magnet GmbH.
For the registration it is necessary that the user as natural or legal entity or legally responsible partnership applies for the registration in the respect of practicing a commercial or self-employed business, i.e. a company as specified in § 14 (1) BGB (German Civil Code).
The user is obliged to provide truthful and complete information in the registration form. Any subsequent amendments must be communicated to Kirchheim group without delay.
Registration will be done by automatic electronic communication by Kirchheim group notifying user name and password.
The user is obliged to ensure that access will only take place for his/her own purposes. This means in particular that user name and password may not be made available to any third party.
If the user suspects that his/her user name and password is known to a third party the user must inform Kirchheim group immediately in order to have the access blocked.
- Customer has given false information in the registration form.
- Customer misuses the information made available, or affects their functionality.
- Customer violates these registration conditions.
- Customer violates his/her duty of care when using his/her access data.
- Customer does not use the website over a long period of time.
- Customer fails in insolvency.
The customer may demand the deletion of the registration at any time, provided that this does not conflict with any current contractual relationship. In this case Kirchheim group will delete all user data and all other personal data of the customer as soon as they are no longer required.